What Are The Healthy Homes Standards?

The Healthy Homes Standards are part of the Residential Tenancies Act. The Act requires all rental homes to comply with specific regulations regarding insulation, heating, ventilation, moisture ingress & drainage and draught stopping by July 2021.

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Insulation Standard

The minimum level of ceiling and underfloor insulation must either meet the 2008 Building Code, or (for existing ceiling insulation) have a minimum thickness of 120mm and be in reasonable condition with no dampness, damage or displacement. The new Healthy Home regulations also specify where insulation exemption applies.

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Heating Standard

Landlords must provide one or more fixed heaters that can directly heat the main living room. The heater must be an acceptable type and must meet the minimum heating capacity required for your living room. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a minimum indoor temperature of 18˚C. By installing a heater that can reach this temperature on the coldest days of the year, tenants will be able to keep warm all year round.

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Ventilation Standard

Ventilation must include openable windows in each habitable space. The windows must comprise at least 5% of the floor area of that space. An appropriately sized (externally vented) extraction fan or rangehood must be installed in rooms with a bath or shower or indoor cooktop.

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Moisture Ingress & Drainage Standard

The Healthy Homes standards reinforce existing law that says landlords must have adequate drainage and guttering. If a rental property has an enclosed subfloor space, it must have an on-ground moisture barrier, which will stop moisture rising into the home.

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Draught Stopping Standard

Any gaps or holes in walls, ceilings, windows, floors and doors that cause unreasonable draughts must be blocked. This includes all unused open fireplaces and chimneys.


How We Can Help

Allow us to take the hassle and guess work out of meeting the RTA requirements. We can complete a full Healthy Home Compliance assessment of your rental property, then supply you with a detailed report that will assist you in filling out the 13-page compliance statement required on all new or varied tenancy agreements from 1 st December 2020. We will assess your property covering all 5 of the Healthy Homes Standards in depth, then supply you with a detailed report of your current level of compliance along with recommendations on what is needed to make your property compliant if required. We are then able to supply you with competitive quotes to carry out any compliance work in time to meet the deadline appropriate to your situation.
